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Ryan Turcott paraseste "U" Mobitelco

"U" Mobitelco a demarat in vara acestui an o colaborare cu tehnicianul american Ryan Turcott, care viza dezvoltarea individuala a juniorilor din cadrul clubului. Desi intelegerea se dorea a fi de mai lunga durata, planurile antrenorului american au suferit schimbari de ultim moment, astfel ca Ryan Turcott a decis sa se desparta de clubul nostru. Ryan a dorit sa transmita prin intermediul site-ului oficial un mesaj, pe care il redam in cele ce urmeaza, atat in engleza cat si in romana:

Ryan Turcott: "It has been unbelievable 3 months here in Cluj with UMobitelco and it has been a great pleasure to work with so many of the basketball teams at UMobitelco. UMobitelco and the basketball community of Cluj-Napoca have been so welcoming to me and I would like to thank them as they helped living far away from the United States much easier than I expected. However for me, I have to make the best decisions that are best for me both personally and professionally.Prior to coming to UMobitelco on August 21st, I was part of an American coaching staff that had been traveling the world and directing basketball camps. As much as I love working with the players and coaches of UMobitelco, my desire is to go back to traveling and directing basketball camps with multiple clubs and federations of different countries. I will be moving to Istanbul, Turkey where I will be the directior of youth development for Guler Legacy The owner is Sinan Guler who is a point guard for the Turkish National Team, a starting guard for Anadolu Efes of the Euroleague, and my former college teammate at Carroll College in the United States. I will also continue working with the Turkish Basketball Federation through out the country of Turkey. From Istanbul, I will travel to other clubs and federations in Europe using the contacts I made directing the 2010 FIBA Children of the World Basketball Camp in Istanbul.This was a tough decision for me, as I have really enjoyed my time in Cluj-Napoca. However, my time with UMobitelco is not finished as I will be working with Mircea as we plan out a time for me to return and construct basketball camps this coming spring or summer. My intention is also to involve UMobitelco Juniors with camps and clinics in Turkey with the Turkish Basketball Federation. I believe what "U" players need more than anything is competition and the best place to find this is outside Romania, from what I understand. Turkey could be a great way for both Romanian players UMobitelco players to attend camps and tournaments, and I am happy to be the coach to help them. I made a commitment to UMobiteclo to improve all levels of basketball performance, I want to see this commitment out by bringing new perspectives and basketball philosophies to Romania and assisting in bringing Romanian players to other countries for competition.Thank you again UMobitelco for everything! Good Bye for now!"

Ryan Turcott: "Au fost trei luni incredibile la "U" Mobitelco Cluj-Napoca si a fost o adevarata placere sa lucrez cu atat de multe echipe ale clubului. Atat clubul, cat si comunitatea baschetbalistica din Cluj-Napoca m-au primit foarte bine si vreau sa le multumesc pentru ca m-au facut sa ma adaptez departe de casa mult mai usor. Insa trebuie sa iau cea mai buna decizie atat pentru mine personal, cat si profesional.Inainte de venirea la "U" Mobitelco, in 21 august, faceam parte dintr-un grup de antrenori americani ce calatoream prin toata lumea, organizand camp-uri baschetbalistice. Chiar daca imi place foarte mult sa lucrez cu jucatorii si antrenorii de la "U" Mobitelco, dorinta mea cea mai puternica este sa ma intorc la calatorii si la organizarea trainingurilor cu mai multe cluburi si federatii nationale. Urmeaza sa ma mut la Istanbul, in Turcia, unde voi conduce juniorii Guler Legacy. Proprietarul este Sinan Guler, jucator al nationalei Turciei si titular in Euroliga la Anadolu Efes, care mi-a fost coleg de echipa in Statele Unite, la Carroll College. O sa imi continuu colaborarea cu Federatia Turca de Baschet in intreaga tara. Din Istanbul, voi calatori la alte cluburi si federatii din Europa, folosindu-ma de contactele create inca de pe vremea cand am condus campul "Children Of The World 2010" in Istanbul. A fost o decizie grea pentru mine, deoarece sederea mea la Cluj a fost foarte placuta. Colaborarea mea cu "U" Mobitelco nu se incheie insa, deoarece, impreuna cu Mircea (Cristescu), planuim sa organizam cateva campuri baschetbalistice in primavara sau vara anului viitor. Intentionez de asemenea sa implic juniorii de la "U" Mobitelco in campuri din Turcia. Cred ca jucatorii de la "U" au nevoie mai mult decat orice de competitii si, din ce inteleg eu, cel mai bun loc de a gasi asa ceva este in strainatate. Turcia poate fi un loc excelent pentru baschetbalistii lui "U" Mobitelco, pentru a participa la campuri si turnee si sunt fericit sa fiu antrenorul care ii poate ajuta in acest sens. Am facut o intelegere cu "U" Mobitelco sa ajut sa isi creasca nivelul de performanta la toate nivelurile, vreau sa vad ca acest acord produce noi perspective baschetbalistice in Romania, ajutand jucatorii romani sa participe la competitii in alte tari. Multumesc "U" Mobitelco pentru tot! La revedere!"
